What I Stand For

Thriving Families

Young families are the lifeblood of San Anselmo. It's essential that they can put down roots and build lasting connections with one another. A downtown that’s become a destination for folks in the County and beyond, bustling parks, affordable housing, great schools, clean streets. These are the things that give families a sense of belonging, a sense of community. We need to ensure our policies - like planning and permitting - take into account the unique needs of growing families, to allow folks to more easily invest in improving their homes and neighborhoods. If we are all going to be here for the long-term we should make it easy to invest for the long-term.

Small Business

A vibrant small business community is critical to our future. Let’s make it easier for businesses to open and grow. This means cutting red tape for planning and building approvals, smart zoning, preventing small businesses from being squeezed out and a relocation assistance program for those that are. Empty storefronts should be a thing of the past.

Safety and Preparedness

The impacts of global climate change are upon us. Wildfires and floods are no longer a question of if, but when. To protect ourselves, we must invest in flood control, renewable energy, wildfire prevention, and a robust evacuation plan. Traffic congestion through the Hub and elsewhere, as well as out-of-date parking regulations, are not just annoyances; they hinder our ability to evacuate safely in an emergency.

Open Space and Parks

Our open spaces should remain open. They nurture physical and mental health, foster community connections, protect biodiversity, and mitigate climate change impacts. Our vibrant downtown is a testament to what we can achieve together. Let's replicate that energy throughout San Anselmo by investing in Memorial, Robson-Harrington, and Creek Park improvements, and keeping our seven open spaces flourishing.

Unity and Inclusion

We are stronger together. Let’s build a community where everyone feels valued, respected, and safe, and where our institutions represent everyone. We have an obligation to embrace difference while also encouraging respectful, civil discourse.

Endorsements (list in formation)*

Cat Austin
Chair, San Anselmo Parks and Recreation Commission

Jesica Brennan
Owner, Sugarfoot Books

Steve Burdo
Town Council, San Anselmo

Brian Colbert
Town Council, San Anselmo

Wendy Dreskin
Inductee, Marin Women’s Hall of Fame

Jamie Ginsberg
Community Leader

Jenny Holden
Board Member, AWHS Falcon Foundation

Rachel Kertz
City Council, San Rafael

Zach Koblick de Leon
Member, San Anselmo Planning Commission

Rachel Litwack
Trustee, Ross Valley School District

Tom McInerney
Former Mayor, San Anselmo

Newton Oldfather

Kris Organ
Vice President, California Alliance for Retired Americans

Marin Professional Firefighters, IAFF Local 1775

North Bay Labor Council

*Titles for identification purposes.